Abbas Alamdar Birthday =Short History and Biography in Urdu [Free PDF download ##fa-file-pdf-o##] 

Abbas Alamdar Birthday is a short video brings information about Hazrat Ghazi Abbas Alamdar e Karbala in Urdu. It was a great and bright day of 4th Sa’ban 26 Hijri when a Hazrat Abbas Alamdar was granted to Hazrat Ali (Martyrdom of Kufa). In History, Abbas Alamdar is also known as Moon of Bani Hashim (Qamar Bani Hashim). Fatima Bint e Hizam (also known as Umm ul Banin, Mother of Sons) married to Hazrat Ali when his first wife Fatima bint e Muhammad PBUH died. 

Abbas Alamadar Showed Loyalty to His Brother Hussain in Karbala  [Free PDF download ##fa-file-pdf-o##] 

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      • Abbas Alamdar Birthday 04 Shaban Abbas Alamdar Birthday =Short History and Biography in Urdu [Free PDF download ##fa-file-pdf-o##]
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        • The tragedy of Karbala is an event which is very mournful for all Muslims. In Karbala battle, all family members of Muhammad PBUH were martyred, as well as Hussain. While Hazrat Hasan was already martyred by enemies giving him poison. There were many supporters of Family of Ali and Fatima r.a. But Ghazi Alamdar (Flag Carrier) of Hossein r.a in Karbala was only one known as Abbas ibn Ali. Mukhra Saqfi was also a big supporter of Hussain and at time of tragedy of Karbala, he was in prison. But after his escape from prison, he took revenge for Karbala and killed all those who martyred or took participate in the martyrdom of Hussain and all his companions in Karbala. There are many events referred to Abbas during the Karbala battle. A time came when enemies stopped Hussain to take water from the Euphrates river. The Family members of Hussain who we were innocent and little in age, asked Abbas for water who carried water for littles. He is also known as the Hero of Euphrates. The Euphrates river was occupied by Yazid I’s army to prevent the camp of Hussein from getting water. Because of his skill and bravery, Abbas could have attacked Yazid I’s army, occupied the river, and retrieved water for the camp alone. However, Abbas was only allowed to be defensive because his brother Hussain didn’t want him to fight, because his rage would consume him. to fight. He was only allowed to get water. Thus, he went to the river to get water for the children in Hussein’s camp. Sakinah was very attached to Abbas, who was her uncle. To her, Abbas was their only hope for getting water. Abbas could not stand to see her thirsty and crying, Thy thirst!. When Abbas entered the battlefield, he only had a spear, and a bag for water in his hands. He was also given the authority to hold the standard in the battle.Once he had made it to the river, he started filling the bag with water. Abbas’s loyalty to Hussein was so great that, though he was very thirsty, Abbas drank no water because he could not bear the thought that Sakinah was thirsty. This story illustrates how Abbas conquered the Euphrates river, held it with his mighty hands, yet still did not drink. After gathering the water, Abbas rode back towards the camp. On his way back, he was struck from behind, and one of his arms was amputated. Then he was struck from behind again, amputating his other arm. Abbas continued, carrying the water-bag in his mouth. Yazid’s soldiers started shooting arrows at him. One arrow hit the bag, and water poured out of it. Immediately after the bag of water was hit, the enemy shot an arrow at Abbas that hit his eye. One of Yazid’s men hit Abbas’ head with a mace, and, lacking the support of his arms, Abbas fell off his horse. As he was falling, he called, “Oh brother!”, calling for Hussein]. Abbas fell on his face before he let the standard fall. He was martyred on Friday, the 10th of Muharram, 61 AH, near the bank of the river Euphrates. Hence, he is called the “Hero of the Euphrates”. His death is generally commemorated by the Shiite Muslims on the night of the 8th of Muharram. Muslims, particularly Shiites, mourn the death of all the martyrs who fell at the Battle of Karbala with Hussein in the Islamic month of Muharram, mainly in the first ten days of the month. Fadl ibn Abbas and Qasim ibn Abbas also laid down their lives in Karbala. Ubaydullah ibn Abbas lived to continue the lineage of Abbas with five sons of his own.

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