Suspense Digest January 2020 [Download PDF]


Suspense Digest January 2020 [Download PDF]

Karachi is a city which is known as the Bride of Cities in the World. But in previous days, due to target killing in this city, the peace of the city was lost. A sad poem about the current situation of this city is included in this edition. Gehri Nigah (Deep Vision) is a translated Urdu story. It is about a Lover who can hear the steps of death. Read this thrilling story in a unique style of Najma Moody.

Masiha (Christ) is an Urdu story from the pages of History. When a King known as Noor U Din Zangi was ruling over Syria, Crusaders started attack over the Muslim World. Then Noor was the only one who took a stand against the Crusaders.

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