CIA Whitewash in TV Series == Hollywood Cut 15 Urdu

CIA and other secret agencies interfering Hollywood Film Industry, TV and Radio by their unrevealed activities. American government convey some hidden messages through TV serials. Why many people desired for a controlled network. It is always a question who was supported the American attack on Iraq. Joseph Stalin, a Russian Leader, always believed in authors and Engineers. He always had faith, making of spirit and passion is the most important than manufacturing of a tank, because the making of spirit and passion is the duty of authors. 

Stalin Desired to hang all authors, writers and poets who opposed the United State of Soviet Russia

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        • In the same way, now American government acting like Stalin. They are using TV, Film, Radio, Literature and entertainment sources for the promotion of American opinion as well as they for rejection of questions by others against America. According to TV Entertainment, CIA is an agency which fulfils the duty on the ethical basis, but the facts are contrary to reality. America is willing to safe something which could not be saved.

          Hollywood Cut 15 Urdu

          American government make these secret agencies fruitful and get the goal against Iran and Islamic World. We can discuss a TV serial The Emergency which was on air in 2001, the screenplay was written by Ex. Advisors of CIA. It was a co-production of CIA and TV Channel. In 1999, another TV serial, In The Company of Spies was produced with the cooperation of CIA. In this serial, a story of the retired officer of CIA was screened. Another TV serial which is directly supported by CIA is The Homeland. This TV Serial was a favourite serial of Obama, the President of America.

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