Hollywood Cut 1 Urdu Documentary


Hollywood Cut Documentary in Urdu == Grip of Zionists over Hollywood

In the 20th decade of 1900, first of all, 6 film studios were established in Hollywood. It is very interesting, these studios were have been run by a group of Jews who migrated to America. The members of these groups were born and brought up in Eastern Europe within an area of 500 Miles, even after migration they also were living together within an area of 15 Miles only.  

Many Films Produced in the 20th Century was used for the activities & movements of Labors 

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      • Hollywood Cut 1 Urdu-Grip pf Zionists Over Hollywood
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        • Gebler who was a critic, who wrote about Hollywood was established in America, but was, in fact, the plan of this institute was thought in Europe. In the 20th century, the films of Hollywood were used to propagate the theories and agenda of America by Thomas Edison etc. Near about, 20th century, a group of Jews arrived California after migration. they selected this city because it was a cultural city where the issue of materialistic goods was not critical than other cities of America. This group planned to establish their own homeland, their own kingdom not only in films but in real life too. 

          As soon as time passed the Hollywood became the centre of Zionism

          They started the projects of films, which was supervised by them. They kept an eye on all the stages of film projects. They wrote scripts, direct, produce and distribute these films. Even they met all the requirements and financial expenses of these projects. The basic restriction for all workers who were working as actors, directors, producers and musicians etc. was to follow the roadmap given by this group of Jews. This group founded their own America. With the passage of time, the real image of America was shadowed by the image introduced by this group of Jews. Nowadays, Americans try hard to be recognized them with image propagated by such group of Jews. Hollywood Cut 1 Urdu is a documentary with information. This will reveal the real face of Zionism to us. 
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