Dajjal 2 (Complete 3 Volumes)

Dajjal Part 2 now is available here to read online or download PDF file free from link below. This book was authored by Asrar Alam in three volumes, 1st volumes of Dajjal Books was uploaded previously and now its 2nd volume is here below. Sorry for late, the books was prepared to be uploaded here by Muhammad  Aamir Mehmood from Pakistan. However its third volume is in pipe line to be scanned and prepared. Soon it will also be uploaded. In this volume Asrar Alam discussed detailed circumstances during the periods of Prophet Ibrahim a.s to Prophet Joseph and Jacob a.s in Egypt and their Exodus. Here he explained how the Satan worked for his success and how he misguided people and king that they put Ibrahim into fire and how Joseph was thrown into well and then how Allah helped him that he became all in all in Egypt. Hope this will help you about the understanding of history , tricks and traps of Satan and how Allah helped his faithfuls.

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  1. please remove watermarks from document, and if necessary provide them on top & bottom not in between text & reading area. thanks

  2. السلام علیکم
    بھائی صاحب برائے مہربانی "دجال-3" اپلوڈ کر دیں کیونکہ مندرجہ بالا کتاب میں سرف حصہ دوئم ہے ۔


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